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普華士有限公司                 電話: (852) 2110-1278    電郵 [email protected]


 Privacy Policy

Kinds of Personal Data Held

There are three broad categories of personal data held:

Domain Name Server address and the pages you have visited.;

Customer records, which include personal details, products and services details, etc.;

Other records, which include administration and operational files, personal data provided from companies or individuals etc.

Main Purposes of Keeping the Data

Domain Name Server address and the pages you have visited are for us to aggregate information about the number and types of visitors. This information will be used by us only for preparing statistics.

Other records are kept for various purposes which vary according to the nature of the record, such as administration of the office functions and activities, seeking advice on policy or operational matters, acquisition of services, handling of enquiries from the public, etc.


Data access and correction requests may be addressed to the "Administration Manager" via email to [email protected] or with other person as specifically advised.


   Copyright© Pervc Company Limited 普華士有限公司     各品牌或產品稱號均為有關公司所擁有的商標或註冊商標。
   電話: (852) 2110-1278     電郵 [email protected]